Be Energy France 3 reportage
Quick Tester Kiosk makes it possible to check if a battery is regenerable
REGENSUN: on the way to an autonomous, 100% off-grid charging station for electric vehicles
‘Be Energy – Winner of the ‘Grand Prix Export Stars & Métiers’ BPMED
Regeneration batteries replacement charger
Regeneration of a NiMH battery for Toyota Avignon
Replacing soldered connections of a battery
Service d’Intervention sur site avec batterie de remplacement
3rd Battery Plus regeneration corner for SAIMLEASE!
Automotive batteries preselecting kiosk before regeneration
Regeneration of the batteries of the Côte d'Azur Observatory
Battery regeneration: an innovative process that doubles or triples the life of batteries
BRT 10 you're best partner for your Golf Cart maintenance
The visual evidence of the effect of the regeneration by the Battery Plus regenerator method:
• very fine bubbles production• in large quantity
• from top to bottom of the plates
reflecting the effectiveness and power of regeneration process even on big batteries with very high amperage.