Why Getting Your Own Battery Regenerator BRT Maxi ?
In order to reduce the cost of the batteries in the logistic industry, it is a must to maintain your energy parc.Maintenance can be done easily at a low cost with the BRT Maxi, and our broad client base, from the industry to the logistics arena, can prove it.
regeneration is an innovative process giving the user the opportunity to dramatically reduce the energy costs and the tons of rubbish which is a direct consequence of a non maintain battery parc. Undertaking environnment becomes a must in all industries.
Your lift parc belongs to you :
• Amortization of your lifts is on line with the life span of their batteries (usually an average of 5 years). With the regeneration the life span of your battery will be doubled. Amortization can then be extended over 1, 2 or more years.
• Sulfation of your batteries increse the electromechanic breakdowns on your lifts. With the preventive regeneration you can reduce up to 20 % of those electromechanic breakdowns.
• A sulfated battery is loosing about 10% of its capacity each year. When decreasing the capacity of 15%, what should be done in 7 hours takes then 8 hours. Your company is then loosing money.
You can make your own simulation on the savings and the benefits the BRT Maxi will generate.
At a glance you can see how your maintenance bill gets lower and simultaneously check the effects of a greater amortization.
Get a better appraisal of your fleet requirements when regeneration provides full battery capacity for twice as long as you use to do.

The new range of regenerator BRT is arrived
Always the same invoice, 100% manufactured in France, 3 year warranty the new range of BRT regenerator integrates pre-programming capabilities all on large color screen. The range consists of 7 regenerators to meet the needs and profiles of each user. The choice of the regenerator is made according to the battery type to be treated (starting, stationary, traction, golf cart), the size of the park, the battery capacity, even the profile of user (end user, regeneration center ...)To facilitate standard regeneration, it is now integrated:
• preventive and curative programs for major battery types (stationary, traction and starting) • 7-26 automatic programs completely securedThe benefits are increased:
• Up to 60 starting batteries per day • Up to 200 traction batteries per year • Up to 2800 monobloc sealled batteries (golf cart) per year • Up to 10,000 UPS cells per year According to the model of other capabilities it allows you to program several phases of treatment with different settings to each of the phases. This also allows to use the BRT as charger multi-voltage and multi-function. The modifications relate to better access to standard programs for everyday use while opening up new opportunities for regeneration experts!Download our documents
Download the service manual of the regenerator BRT 20 (PDF)Calculate yourself the economy made by the regeneration of batteries in your own park:
Case 1: You rent your forklift: Download the notice( PDF) Download the financial simulation of your parc (Excel) Case 2: You are the owners of your forklift: Download the spreadsheet (Excel)