Regeneration of batteries in the shadow of Big Ben…
30 April 2015
A new battery regeneration center in southern Paris…
30 May 2015In this month of May 2015, Battery Plus recorded their biggest shipments in the last week of the month.
Indeed it’s not less than:
• 7 Regenerators BRT Maxi Gold
• 2 Regenerators BRT 10
• 4 full packs providers workshop
So, more than 3 tons of material sent to the antipodes.
The workshop providers are developing increasingly for several years but this growth appears to be accelerating in 2015.
In this, we should add the shipments of 3 full workshop of OIL PLUS ‘s Regeneration, the latest brand of BE ENERGY www.beenergy.biz

n this month of May 2015, Battery Plus recorded their biggest shipments in the last week of the month.
Indeed it’s not less than:
• 7 Regenerators BRT Maxi Gold
• 2 Regenerators BRT 10
• 4 full packs providers workshop
So, more than 3 tons of material sent to the antipodes.
The workshop providers are developing increasingly for several years but this growth appears to be accelerating in 2015.
In this, we should add the shipments of 3 full workshop of OIL PLUS ‘s Regeneration, the latest brand of BE ENERGY www.beenergy.biz – See more at: https://batteryregeneration.net/2015/09/15/shipping-record-on-may/?lang=en#sthash.RoJpBuPI.dpuf