15 October 2009
Saint Denis de la Réunion
15 February 2010

Battery regeneration for immediate boarding at Toulon Hyères Airport.
Batterie plus aplied for a public tender concerning the replacement of traction batteries used in the airport logistics vehicules based in Toulon Hyeres in the south part of France.We thought that within a sustainable development frame, there was better to do than simply replace used battery by new ones. We suggested an alternate option with the regeneration of the existing batteries. The double impact « cost saving and environment » got the approuval from the board ! The airport operates 8 machines such as aircraft towing trucks, bagage belts and some other vehicules. Each of them is equipped with 2 to 3 traction battery racks. Airport rules and safety regulation on airport requested that batteries plus set up a temporary regeneration center within the airport technical aerea.With one regenerator and one discharger in place, the capacity was over 2 battery packs fully regenerated weekly. The complete regeneration process took six weeks for the global parc and it turned to be a full success. Indeed, batterie plus enters the airport business and the client recovered the full capacity of its battery parc. Since then, larger airport have been appoaching batterie plus… Fasten your seat belts…We are all ready for take off !!