Battery regeneration: a complete service
18 May 2017
BDRC – Battery Plus Winners of the Minister’s Award for Environmental Excellence in Ontario
17 July 2017India is one of the biggest global markets in most industries and the batteries are not immune to this.
With a failing electrical network in most cities the stationary battery park is very important.
Each household has sets of batteries (Inverter batteries) to ensure the lighting and the minimum subsistence during the cuts.
The number of stationary batteries installed in private homes is enormous.
The same applies to traction batteries in the handling sector.
Mobile operators are also large users of batteries.
A new regeneration center has therefore opened in southern India to start this promising activity.
In the first place, small stationary batteries will be targeted, although this type of battery concentrates the majority of the possible technical problems (drought, mechanical damage, etc.).
Next will be targeted high capacity stationary batteries and traction batteries.
Be Energy is also set up locally in order to offer a distribution of this technology in a joint venture.
The future in India looks very positive.