World Mobile Congress Barcelona
15 July 2012
Mobile World Congress Barcelona
28 February 2013

Battery The Lebanese expertise on battery regeneration getting renown!
t’s been a year since Anthony and Karima set up the first regeneration center in Libanon. With two regenerator working daily, they already saved and preserved a great number of traction and ups batteries on the territory.
After a smooth start up, Anthony and Karima are now serving large companies such as Agility logisticswww.agilitylogistics.com or Somoplast www.somoplast.com , handling regeneration and maintenance on their battery parks. Thanks to the batterie plus representatives dynamism and professionalism, but also thanks to the regenerator reliability and efficiency, customers trust raised significantly, and we are grateful for that.
What is the next step? The large stationary battery parcs over the country shall soon be regenerated, as it’s already done for large telecom operators in France, Madagascar, Mauritius and Senegal.
Best wishes for the Lebanese regeneration market expansion.