Tigo : get regenerated…

Jungheinrich Greece
15 July 2012
World Mobile Congress Barcelona
15 July 2012
Jungheinrich Greece
15 July 2012
World Mobile Congress Barcelona
15 July 2012
TIGO is the trade mark of SENTEL company, second largest telecom operator in Senegal. SENTEL is part of the MILICOM group which represents 31 million subscribers in 13 different countries.

TIGO strategy is to provide largest service at the lowest price. TIGO has even became a common expression to describe something cheap! Low price is Tigo! TIGO in Senegal its 450 employee covering 600 different technical sites. Each site is back up by batteries that are often used due to main power supply shut down occurring regularly, mainly in April during the winter season there. The total battery park is about 10000 units with a range of capacity that can be over 2000 Ah! Such battery asset is worth several million dollars. All those batteries entered an overhaul regeneration program at the end of 2011. The aim is to cut down the replacement cost of such batteries in order to generate greater profit margin on cost savings.
During the training session our engineer took over two battery packs of OPZS 800 that where store for scrapping, supposedly dead! One was gel battery the other one lead acid. Both pack were fully regenerated and recovered 100 % of their nominal capacity recorded on the discharger analyzer. The BRT UPS equipment is now entering the telecom market becoming along the month the ultimate equipment for the right and good management of the battery parks worldwide. Battery plus doesn’t need to claim a leading position in that sector…Battery plus has now a great technological advance on the market, and the four main world telecom operators already equipped with our machine know it…

Don’t hang up…You’ll be part of it soon!
Notre régénérateur BRT UPS s’inscrit dorénavant comme un équipement incontournable pour une bonne gestion des parcs de batteries dans les télécoms.

Batterie plus se positionne sans conteste comme le leader dans ce secteur avec 4 opérateurs majeurs déjà équipés.

TIGO is the trade mark of SENTEL company, second largest telecom operator in Senegal. SENTEL is part of the MILICOM group which represents 31 million subscribers in 13 different countries.

TIGO strategy is to provide largest service at the lowest price. TIGO has even became a common expression to describe something cheap! Low price is Tigo!
TIGO in Senegal its 450 employee covering 600 different technical sites.

Each site is back up by batteries that are often used due to main power supply shut down occurring regularly, mainly in April during the winter season there.

The total battery park is about 10000 units with a range of capacity that can be over 2000 Ah!

Such battery asset is worth several million dollars. All those batteries entered an overhaul regeneration program at the end of 2011. The aim is to cut down the replacement cost of such batteries in order to generate greater profit margin on cost savings.

During the training session our engineer took over two battery packs of OPZS 800 that where store for scrapping, supposedly dead! One was gel battery the other one lead acid. Both pack were fully regenerated and recovered 100 % of their nominal capacity recorded on the discharger analyzer.

The BRT UPS equipment is now entering the telecom market becoming along the month the ultimate equipment for the right and good management of the battery parks worldwide.

Battery plus doesn’t need to claim a leading position in that sector…Battery plus has now a great technological advance on the market, and the four main world telecom operators already equipped with our machine know it…

Don’t hang up…You’ll be part of it soon!